Secret Study Tips for Conquering Homework

Let's face it. Homework can be boring, time-consuming, and overwhelmingly big as in the case of that research project for your science class. You can suffer from lack of concentration, writer's block, procrastination, or sheer puzzlement. Not to worry, millions of people have ploughed their way through homework. Here are some ideas that work. Some are offbeat or silly, but all have worked for others. Give them a try to find the ones that work for you.

To overcome boring assignments try:

  • Taking breaks between problems. You can switch between different assignments or do something active for five minutes - dance to your favorite song or hit a few balls.
  • Challenging yourself by adding a new factor to the assignment. Have to write 20 sentences using this week's spelling words? Make the sentences follow a theme (like having each sentence include the mention of an animal). Use different colored pens, pencils, or markers if permitted. Doodle something related to the topic on a corner of the page.
  • Setting a time limit and push yourself to complete the assignment within the new constraint.
  • Rewarding yourself for completing the assignment. Rewards others have used include calling a friend to chat, watching TV, lifting weights, listening to music, taking a walk, and reading a comic book.
  • Just doing it. Sometimes it is not so bad to do the repetitious tasks rather than the more challenging assignments. And, for all that it might be boring, drills make the process second nature. The hands-on practice reinforces the information and makes it easier to do similar problems quickly and easily.
  • Memorizing is often cited as boring. Try these tips. Make up silly mnemonics to help you remember. Link facts to things that have happened to you. Make a rhyme putting pieces of information together. Imagine a funny picture illustrating the information. Write words, facts, and dates down. The physical act and seeing the information repeatedly helps cement it in your brain. Break long lists into smaller chunks. Work one chunk at a time. Once you have that bit, move on to the next segment.

Finding time to do your homework can be quite a challenge especially with other activities and clubs.

  • Make a list of what needs to be done and schedule time for each item. Most students need at least an hour or two every day in order to handle homework. Make sure you block out that amount of time.
  • Squeeze homework into break times between school activities. Do as much as you can while you are still at school.
  • Review your schedule and free up more study time. Cut down on TV, Facebook, and texting time. Drop an activity or the after-school job.
  • Find a strategy that maximizes your ability to get through your assignments. Do the easiest assignments first. Or tackle the highest priority assignment. Try doing the hardest assignment first while your brain is still fresh. Do whatever works for you.

Breakthrough writer's block easily.

  • Stop. Go do something else. Let your conscious mind focus on the new activity while the subconscious mind churns away on that writing assignment.
  • Search for ideas in newspapers, magazines, or books.
  • Jot down a few key ideas for the assignment. Put them in some sort of order-chronological, importance, if-then, etc. Then go back and add a few points to each of those ideas. Do a search on the internet using the points as keywords. Note facts which support, demonstrate, or strengthen those points. Why-you've just written an outline!
  • Do what professional writers do. Work through a small part of the assignment each day. Break down the task into manageable chunks and allot some time each day to work on that part.

Inspire yourself.

  • Some students listen to music or the radio in the background while they study. Others post inspirational quotes at their desk or in their notebooks.
  • Decorated notebooks, comic or beautiful pens, or a colorful laptop cover, make your study "tools" fun and interesting.
  • Be organized. Write your assignments down on your calendar. Split them into smaller segments. Keep your class work in folders by subject so you can easily find the math problems you need to have ready for tomorrow.

There you have it! You can conquer your homework. Give it a go.

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