Readability Scores for Pilinut Press Books

Flesch Readability Scores and Word Count information can be helpful information when choosing reading material for a student. Here are the scores for Pilinut Press Books.

Readability Scores

Title Flesch Reading Ease Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Word Count
Can You Keep a Secret? 74.8 5.5 617
Danny and the Detention Demons 74.2 5.1 540
Little Bianca 75.3 5.3 1,296
The Snickerdoodle Mystery 74.7 5.6 569
Webb's Wondrous Tales Book 1 79.4 5.2 25,653
Webb's Wondrous Tales Book 2 79.6 5.0 20,422

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Read our article “Picking the Right Book” to understand the scores.

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